Laura prepon biography tv actress
Laura prepon biography tv actress
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Laura Prepon
Laura Prepon is known as an American actress. She is most famous for her roles on the comedy sitcom 'That '70s Show' and the Netflix series 'Orange Is the New Black.'
Background and Age
Laura Prepon was born on March 7, 1980 in Watchung, New Jersey.
Her father, Michael was an orthopedic specialist and her mom, Marjorie, was a high school teacher. Prepon encountered a big misfortune in 1993, when her father passed away while experiencing a heart medical procedure.
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Her family became exceptionally close while adapting to the loss of Prepon's father. Her whole family still assembles every year in New Jersey for Thanksgiving, where their particular customs include singing Meat Loaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" together at the lounge area table as an ode to her father.
Prepon went to Watchung Hills Regional High School until 1995, when, at age 15, she began to look all starry eyed at acting and moved to the Total Theater La