Jay giedd neuroscience supplements
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Academic Title | Affiliation | Major Area(s) of Study |
Professor | UCSD | Behavioral Medicine / Neuropsychology |
Phone | Address | |
jgiedd@health.ucsd.edu | 858-822-5214 | 9500 Gilman Drive / MC 0949 / La Jolla, CA 92093 |
Graduate Institution
University of North Dakota Medical School
Research Description
Jay N.
Giedd, M.D. is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego.
Jay giedd neuroscience supplements
In addition, he is an adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in the Department of Family and Reproductive Medicine. Over the past 25 years Dr. Giedd has combined brain imaging, genetics, and behavioral analysis to explore the path and influences of brain development in health and illness.
As one of the most highly cited neuroscientists of his generat